VESDA Sensepoint XCL - Large Bore Aspirating Gas Detector

VESDA Sensepoint XCL – Large Bore is a gas detection solution that utilizes the ASD pipe network to deliver superior gas detection via multiple hole (multi-point) sampling. The combined solution provides reliable detection of gases for occupant protection and process monitoring whilst simultaneously ensuring protection against fire threats.

The VESDA Sensepoint XCL – Large Bore portfolio has a range of gas sensors that addresses a wide range of applications and through its Bluetooth interface can be paired with a smart device for commissioning and maintenance. The smart device application (Sensepoint App) provides quick access to detector diagnostic information and simplifies detector configuration, calibration and bump testing.

Model Nos. XCL-LB-XX-RA / XCL-LB-XX-RM, (XX: Gas version, RA: Analogue, Relays, RM: Modbus, Relays)


  • Carbon Monoxide (CO, ppm)
  • Flammable gases (% LEL)
  • Oxygen (O2, % v/v)
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2, % v/v, ppm)
  • Hydrogen (H2, ppm)
  • Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S, ppm)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2, ppm)
  • Ammonia (NH3, ppm)
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